How does SUPERKOLDIE size up?
We are fitted and kitted to a standard 12 oz aluminum can and should handle a “tall boy” and 24-ouncer, too.
Our branded insert tube (included with every koldie) can serve as a sleeve or shim to better accommodate either Coors Banquet or Silver Bullet cans with a snugger fit, accordingly but won't allow the Party Starter to effectively operate.
And what about bottles?
We represent ourselves as a brand for a can, yet there’s no discrimination here around glass. (Some bottles will just fit better than others.) Like Beck says, “bottles and cans, just clap your hands.”
Is your product sustainable?
Actually, funny story, you could say we’ve got a half-life! Recently, we retired a can cooler that kind of inspired our deal. It was 30-years-old, saw several limited applications of Shoe GOO, and provided active/loyal service until the day we shut it down. We're also working on a collapsible eco-foam slim can collection for hard seltzers that will be made of 80% recycled P.E.T. bottles and is expected available in Summer 2021.
If you’re going to shotgun a beer … why do you need a koldie to keep it cold?
A few years’ ago, we asked the same question. Really, it’s about gimmicking the can cooler. The Party Starter is a novelty, a conversation starter, and — ultimately — a game changer, that’s both fun and functional; eliminating the need for miscellaneous tools and possibly injury. And unlike conventional methods, you’re not obligated to put away a full beer but can proceed at any point or not at all.
Do you offer any kind of guarantee?
Yes, of course. The Party Starter shotgunning device maintains a lifetime warranty against defect, malfunction, or certain breakage via its manufacturer. And if originally purchased through SUPERKOLDIE.com (or our own wholesale partners), we’re more than happy and willing to replace a broken or failed unit at no cost.
How do I care for my SUPERKOLDIE?
… As you would a good friend: greet them with a firm grip, a cold beer, and then another one. We suggest spot cleaning your SUPERKOLDIE can cooler with warm water, mild soap, and a soft cloth. (Alternately, we've used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.) We do not recommend putting it in the dishwasher, ever.
Can I get a sticker?
For sure! Included in every can cooler you purchase from us is a kiss-cut, vinyl sticker inspired by '90s-era skate- and snow- boarding graphics, and features our best-selling Shit Could Be Worse design. It's pretty rad, if we do say so ourselves.
Where do you ship to?
Currently, SUPERKOLDIE.com ships online orders to U.S. and Canada addresses, only.